Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Triviality and the Link to Joy

Joy: the emotion of great happiness (

Triviality: something of small importance (

I was thinking the other day that it's the small things that get you down. Everyone tells you not to sweat the small things. It's the little things that kill. Let the small things go. The trivial things are the least important. I agree with those sentiments, but what about the other link? What about the link between trivial things and extreme joy? Don't see the link? Let me flesh it out for you.

Small thing: The way a girl looks at you just tells you that she thinks you are fun and funny, despite your retardness. Result: Joy. Pretty girls thinking you are nifty and amazing provides a sense of adventure and happiness that is hard to find in many other places.

Small thing: Inventing a word like hi-larry-ass with your mother. Result: So much laughter that it can severely inhibit your functioning for a brief period of time. As a bonus, even better relationship with your mother and the strength to help out the rest of your day.

Small thing: Watching a plant that you have cared for grow up and become a full fledged bush. Result: Just ask my mom. There's no greater feeling for her than seeing her plants grow to maturity and basking in the glow of their beautiful and ornate flowers.

While I talk to my mother a lot on the phone, I can't remember the last time that we had a "serious" conversation. The reality is that we enjoy talking about the trivial. The small things bring us so much joy. Watching how these things can truly bring us closer together, and happier in a moment of weakness is one of the true joys of my life. That's right -- little trivial conversations bring me joy. How can that be? Isn't it supposed to be the small things that we ignore?

I think the reality of happiness comes from every aspect. The small things that happen to us every day make up a beautiful tapestry that becomes our every day lives. And that's the beauty behind it. We have to remember that everything occurring around us will, in some way, influence our lives and become a part of us as we move forward. These good things that happen, the trivial small things, can often be the greatest patches that you will ever sew into the quilt of your life. Don't overlook the joy of triviality, because then you might miss something?

Something trivial to say? The comments section follows. :)

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