Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Mom is Great

A list of the names I either called my mom or she called herself in the last 24 hours:

  1. Doodles McDoodles-a-lot
  2. Dude
  3. McGillicutty
  4. Twinkie
  5. Butthead
  6. Popsicle
  7. Mr. Roboto
  8. Moms
  9. Mom
  10. Mommy
  11. Dianne
  12. SkankFace
  13. Trophy Wife
  14. Super Dude
  15. Loser
  16. Super Mom

Geez, it may sound like my mom and I are at each other's throats -- but we're not. We love each other tons. She's really cool. We just happen to call each other lots of different names. I could put up the list of names she has called me, and it would look pretty darn similar.

Check out my mom's rantings at her blog.

Have a good one.


Dianne said...

Hey, thanks for the link Mash. Mashy McMash Mash.

Good job on the exclusion of the 'thin you-know-what'. Good call, my friend. (with a nod to McCain on that one!)

XO to you dude.

Amanda P said...

No wonder poor mom seems to be a bit identity-confused. Would you like to see a list of things I call my hub?
1) Hub
2) Dude-face
3) Squeeze-head
no? Okay...I'm stopping...