A list of the names I either called my mom or she called herself in the last 24 hours:
- Doodles McDoodles-a-lot
- Dude
- McGillicutty
- Twinkie
- Butthead
- Popsicle
- Mr. Roboto
- Moms
- Mom
- Mommy
- Dianne
- SkankFace
- Trophy Wife
- Super Dude
- Loser
- Super Mom
Geez, it may sound like my mom and I are at each other's throats -- but we're not. We love each other tons. She's really cool. We just happen to call each other lots of different names. I could put up the list of names she has called me, and it would look pretty darn similar.
Check out my mom's rantings at her blog.
Have a good one.
Hey, thanks for the link Mash. Mashy McMash Mash.
Good job on the exclusion of the 'thin you-know-what'. Good call, my friend. (with a nod to McCain on that one!)
XO to you dude.
No wonder poor mom seems to be a bit identity-confused. Would you like to see a list of things I call my hub?
1) Hub
2) Dude-face
3) Squeeze-head
no? Okay...I'm stopping...
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